Oakland Alerts
Election Week Safety Guidance
- Do not park in spaces marked “reserved.”
- Enter using the entrance on Martin Luther King Jr. Way and proceed past the “Staff Only Parking” sign to the basement level.
- Send an email with the subject “Parking at CCWG” and a message with the employee name, vehicle number, vehicle license plate and department to mford@oaklandca.gov.
- The garage is now gateless (using vehicle license plates for monthly permits and daily passes), so proceed directly to the lower level of the garage after entering. No further action is required when the vehicle exits and or reenters the garage during this period.
Today, all City vehicles parked outside in the downtown area should park in the City Center West Garage (CCWG) at 12th Street and MLK Jr. Way on the basement level, as a safety precaution in case of election-related demonstrations.
Follow these guidelines when entering and exiting the garage:
If you have any questions regarding access to the garage, you can text message Michael Ford in OakDOT at (510) 410-2680
Follow these guidelines when entering and exiting the garage:
If you have any questions regarding access to the garage, you can text message Michael Ford in OakDOT at (510) 410-2680