Malden Alerts

Sign Up for Emergency Alerts from the City of Malden

How It Works:

  1. Click the "Sign Up" button below to customize your alert preferences.
  2. Choose the categories you want to receive alerts about and update them anytime.
  3. Enter your Malden street address to receive location-specific updates, such as roadwork or hydrant flushing.
  4. Select your preferred language for alerts.

Get Alerts Your Way:

We’ll send updates via email or text by default. Voice calls will only be used for emergency situations. Please provide your most reliable contact information and encourage family members or roommates to sign up, too!

Instructions in other languages:

Instruções em português

Instrucciones en español

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Sign up for Notifications

If you would like to sign up for notifications.

Modify Existing Notification Profile or Unsubscribe

If you would like to modify your existing notification profile, or unsubscribe.