Waukesha County Alerts!

Sign up to receive public safety alerts and severe weather warnings that could directly impact you and your family.

Please provide your address and preferred method(s) of contact for receiving public safety alerts issued by Waukesha County and municipal authorities. These Emergency Telephone Number (ETN) Alerts issued by Waukesha County and our municipal partners are used to warn the public of incidents which could directly impact life and safety. Commonly known as “Reverse 911”, these alerts could include evacuation warnings, shelter-in-place warnings, and other critical public safety notifications.

Please note that these alerts are typically sent by the Waukesha County Communications Center on behalf of the police and fire agencies they dispatch for. Municipalities that are not served by WCC may use a different alerting system or lack these capabilities. To see if your community is served by WCC you can check their lists of partner agencies for police here and fire here.

We also encourage you to sign up for Severe Weather Alerts to receive advanced information on weather events from AlertSense. These alerts are issued by the National Weather Service and include both watches and warnings. After clicking the signup link below you will be able to select what type of weather events you’d like notifications for. Remember, it is always best to have multiple ways of receiving weather warnings, and no one should rely solely on Outdoor Warning Sirens when indoors.

As fewer and fewer households use traditional landline phones, we recommend all individuals and businesses register for these alerts. Adding your address will allow you to receive alerts for your specific geographic area. For more information on Emergency Alerts in Waukesha County please visit our webpage here.

Having trouble with your subscription?  Email AlertSense Support at subscribers@alertsense.com.

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