City of Santa Rosa, CA, CivicReady Public Safety Alerts & Notifications
Sign up to receive public safety alerts, press releases, and information notifications
The City of Santa Rosa’s police and fire departments can send you public safety alerts, press releases, and information notifications via text message, email, or voice mail (in extreme cases), based on your preferences.
To sign up, please provide your address and preferred methods of contact. Adding your address will allow geographic targeting so you do not receive alerts unless they pertain to your geographical area.
These alerts are provided free of charge, however standard text messaging rates and other charges may apply. Alternatively, you may download the AlertSense myAlerts App for Apple and Android devices.
Examples of messages you may receive:
Public Safety Alerts: | Public Safety News: |
These alerts are provided free of charge, however standard text messaging rates and other charges may apply.
ACTION REQUIRED: Once you have completed registration, please respond to the text (from or 38276) or email (from to confirm your subscription. If you missed the confirmation email or text, please click on the "Modify or Unsubscribe" button to access your account and re-trigger the verification. You will not receive messages until you verify your account.