Irvington Alerts

GPTF Wins $222,500 from Clean Energy Communities

9/19/2024 - 4:54 PM
The Irvington Green Policy Task Force is thrilled to announce that the Village has won $175,000 from the New York State Clean Energy Communities program. The grant is awarded to communities who have completed high impact actions adding up to more than 7000 points. Completed tasks included environmental upgrades to municipal fleet and buildings, achieving Climate Smart Communities Silver status, and conducting community campaigns focused on residential adoption of electric vehicles, heat pumps and community solar. 

Thus far, the community campaigns have earned the Village an additional $47,500. This is a testament to the persistent and creative work of our Green Policy Task Force volunteers. 

The grant funds will be spent on further Village greenhouse gas emissions reduction measures, as specified by the program.

Congratulations GPTF!