Carbondale Alerts

Follow Up on Rental Housing Unit Licensing Committee



At the February 13, 2024, City Council meeting, the Carbondale City Council held a public hearing concerning changes to how the City would regulate rental housing. This included changes to regulate the relationship between landlords and tenants and a new rental housing licensing program. Following this meeting, the City Council voted on March 26, 2024, to establish a working committee to discuss and draft a new rental housing ordinance. 

Multiple attempts were made to fill this committee, but the City only received a few letters of interest in being placed on the committee. After the final attempt to get landlords and tenants and other community members involved in the committee, it was determined to move forward with a Staff-developed rewrite of Title 4, Chapter 4 to address the concerns of the City Council as it relates to rental housing and landlord-tenant relationships. 

At this time to respect the time and efforts of those who have applied, the City Attorney’s office will be reaching out to the individuals whose applications were received throughout this process. A calendar invite will be sent to coordinate dates that these individuals can meet to discuss this ordinance. Following that, two open sessions will be held that the public may attend. All dates and times TBD.  

If you previously applied and do not receive an invite to the stakeholders meeting by 5 PM January 22, please forward the original email you sent with your application you to 

If you wish to receive e-mail updates on the dates and times of the meetings related to the changes to landlord and tenant ordinances, please contact the City Attorney’s office at  

For further info contact the City Attorney’s Office at 618-457-3215.  

“Carbondale prides itself on providing its visitors, students, businesses and residents with a unique mix of edge and ease. It’s a cultural town, yet free of pretense, embracing the great outdoors as readily as urban sophistication. Here, we are open to new ideas, experiences and cultures, so you are encouraged to both express yourself and be yourself, in all ways. That’s Carbondale…All Ways Open…for family, fun, business, new ideas and a bright tomorrow.”
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