Cemetery Spring Cleanup
In accordance with Chapter 46 of the Code of the City of Lebanon:
All flowers, both artificial and natural, need to be removed by April 1st for the month-long semi-annual maintenance and clean up. Any persons wishing to retain their plants, flowers or pots shall remove them prior to April 1st and may once again decorate after April 30th.
As a reminder, the cemeteries are closed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. If you see anyone in the cemeteries acting suspiciously or damaging the cemetery, please call the Lebanon Police Department at 448-1212.
Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the City’s website at www.lebanonnh.gov.
Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have questions, please contact Lebanon Public Works at 448-3112.
All flowers, both artificial and natural, need to be removed by April 1st for the month-long semi-annual maintenance and clean up. Any persons wishing to retain their plants, flowers or pots shall remove them prior to April 1st and may once again decorate after April 30th.
As a reminder, the cemeteries are closed from 10:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. If you see anyone in the cemeteries acting suspiciously or damaging the cemetery, please call the Lebanon Police Department at 448-1212.
Any changes to this schedule will be posted on the City’s website at www.lebanonnh.gov.
Your cooperation is appreciated. If you have questions, please contact Lebanon Public Works at 448-3112.