Kirksville Alerts

KPD recognized by Missouri Attorney General

July 25, 2022

For More Information Contact:
Scott Williamson
Chief of Police
Police Department

KPD recognized by Missouri Attorney General

(Kirksville, MO) - In June 2022, the Kirksville Police Department was recognized by Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt with a Community Partnership Award. This recognition was for assisting with the SAFE Kit Initiative Project, which insured that all sexual assault kits were submitted for crime laboratory analysis in a timely fashion. 

Kirksville Police Department Records/Evidence Custodian Keri Cordray deserves extra recognition for this award. In addition to making sure the Kirksville Police Department’s kits are handled correctly, Cordray also assisted with a regional drop off of SAFE Kits from around Northeast Missouri. 

Cordray is pictured with Kirksville Chief of Police Scott Williamson. 

“Success of the SAFE Kit Initiative depends on active participation from law enforcement agencies just like yours,” said Schmitt in his letter to award recipients. “It is my pleasure to present the Community Partner Award to your department to acknowledge the time and effort devoted to complete the Phase II inventory of sexual assault kits in Missouri. Phase III of the SAFE Kit Initiative will begin in a few months and we look forward to our continued team effort.

“The work of your organization has helped us test thousands of kits, producing DNA results uploaded into CODIS, which led to multiple criminal referrals to local prosecutors across the state. Your willingness to assist shows a dedication to your community that is truly remarkable and worthy of this recognition.”

Anyone with information regarding this press release or any suspicious activity is encouraged to contact the Kirksville Police Department at 660.785.6945, Central Dispatch at 660.665.5621, Adair County Sheriff’s Office at 660.665.4600 or anonymously at 660.627.BUST (2878) or email   
