Sandy City My Alerts

⚠️ Sandy City Flood Ready Message!

5/5/2023 - 9:33 AM
Sandy City Flood Ready Information


Emergency Preparation if you live in a Flood Zone

If you are receiving this message, it is because you live in a flood zone in Sandy City. The time is now to prepare for potential flooding this spring with the possibility of evacuation if flooding becomes severe. We never know what mother nature is going to bring, so it is better to plan for the worst and hope for the best. Here is a list of thing you can do now:

Sandy City Flood Resources

Make a Plan

In the event of an evacuation, it is important to put a plan together with your family considering the specific needs of your household. Discussing individual responsibilities, such as child care, pets, and medical supplies can help alleviate some of the stress associated with an emergency evacuation.

Sandy City Flood Resources

What to Expect

An officer may come knock on your door and you will be asked to take your go-bag and vacate your home. Please get in your vehicle and drive to an evacuation area if you can. (For details, check: sandy.utah.utah/floodready). You will be updated on when and if it is safe to return to your home.

Sandy City Flood Resources

Emergency Alerts

Sandy City Flood Resources

Build a Kit

Make sure your emergency kit is stocked with the items on the checklist below.Download a printable version to take with you to the store. Once you take a look at the basic items consider what unique needs your family might have, such as supplies for seniors or pets.

Sandy City Flood Resources

More Information & Resources

For more information on sandbags, Sandy Flood Ready videos, the interactive flood zone map and more, visit

Sandy City Evacuation Checklist
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10000 Centennial Parkway Sandy, UT 84070 | Phone: 801-568-7100