Oakland Alerts

Time Entry Day 18Dec24

Greetings Crossing Guards,

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Time Entry Day, for this Pay Period, will be tomorrow, Wednesday the 18th of Dec. If you are entering your time from home you may do so starting tomorrow Wednesday the 18th at 6AM. Use ONLY the following link to access the NEW UPDATED Oracle log-in page from home: https://cooisupplierprd.oaklandca.gov/OA_HTML/AppsLocalLogin.jsp

Please submit your timecard no later than tomorrow 5:30 PM on Wednesday (the 18th of Dec.)

If you do not have a way of accessing Oracle from a home computer, laptop, or your cell phone, then you must come to the computer lab tomorrow, Wednesday 12/18/24, between 2:00 PM and 5 PM, for entering and submitting your timecard. 

***Tech Update: Oracle will now work on your phones (either Android and iPhones).

Please remember to report your time Off accurately as either OFF (no pay) or SCK to match your calling-out or text messages. NOTE: If you try to submit SCK hours that you do not have, you will get an error message in Oracle to remove those hours before submission. Also make sure to report your hours correctly for Thursday the 19th and Friday the 20th. If your work schedule on those days  changes and becomes different than how it has been submitted tomorrow, then you will need to re-enter and re-submit your time before Friday at 10:00AM. 

The remainder of this message is only for those Guards who do not have a working password for getting into Oracle and Outlook. NOTE: You must have working passwords for both Oracle and Outlook email. If you do not show any type of activity on your Outlook email account over a period of 90 days, the IT Dept. may question your employment status and possibly delete your city account because of inactivity.

Whether you are entering from home, or in the Computer Room, you should check beforehand that your current passwords for both Oracle and Outlook are working. If you do not have a working password for Oracle or Outlook you must call 510-238-2000 to get one, or both, reset to the current security standards.

If you call the IT Helpdesk they will ask you for your Oracle ID which is almost always your first initial and full last name (all uppercase). They may also want your Outlook ID which is your email address. In most cases that will be your first initial, followed by your full last name @oaklandca.gov (upper and lower case for email does not matter). If you do not know your email address, send me a text and I will look it up for you. Note: For security reasons they may also ask for your employee number (can be found on your check stub or ID Badge) or your supervisor's name before offering a password reset. ALSO please have them check, before giving you a password reset, that your Outlook e-mail account is neither locked or blocked (this can happen from a lack of activity or overuse of password entries).

During the password reset process the computer will automatically direct you to change your password from the one the IT Help Desk has just given you to one more specific to you and secure.

The following are guidelines for creating an acceptable password:
14+ Characters that contain at least 1 Uppercase Letter, at least 1 Lower case Letter, at least 1 number, and at least 1 Symbol ( !,@,#,$.%,&,* ).
Using previous information, may be rejected and flagged as "overused".
Never use your name, in part or in full, to create your password. This makes for a very unsafe password.

Best Regards,
Paul J Cirolia 
OakDOT School Traffic Safety Supervisor
510-773-6800 (work mobile)