Notify Draper

Message from Mayor Walker - Development at The Point

11/28/2023 - 1:27 PM

Yesterday was a great day for Draper! I am excited to update you on the progress of The Point project.

The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority board signed a development agreement for phase one development at The Point. The board worked on this agreement for about 14 months.

The development agreement is a complex document, measuring about six inches thick. It takes about eight hours to read. I invested substantial time on it as a board member and as a member of the group selected to oversee the process. I believe that I provided significant value in this process and that the phase one agreement is good for Draper and the state.

Now the board will focus on the design and construction of the initial infrastructure, including roads, water, storm water, sewer, power, gas, and the River-to-Range trail. Construction of this infrastructure begins in the spring of 2024.  

Public input on phase one of The Point included a significant amount of public support for a landmark feature at the site. As part of The Point’s development guidelines, the board is responsible for identifying an iconic feature that will help to shape an identity for the development.

At the November 21 board meeting, a group called the Responsibility Foundation presented a concept known as the Statue of Responsibility. You may have seen media coverage regarding this proposed statue. Please be aware the board did not vote to approve this statue for the development. The vote was simply to allow the concept to be considered as part of the project review process.

As a member of The Point of the Mountain State Land Authority board, I am required to follow the established review process. I only have one vote on the board, and I will consider the views of my fellow Draper residents ahead of any vote on the project.

Roughly 13 years ago the concept of moving the Utah State Prison was first seriously discussed. It has been a long road and many leaders have worked hard to make it happen. The Point project has had unprecedented public input that shaped its direction. The Point’s design and its potential positive impacts are amazing. The future is bright. Follow The Point’s website at to view development plans, monitor progress, and participate in additional public input opportunities.

I plan to hold a Town Hall meeting in early 2024 to provide an update on the progress at The Point and answer any questions you may have.

Mayor Troy K. Walker