City of Portland Alerts

TRAFFIC ADVISORY -Stevens Avenue Paving From Clinton Street to Woodford Street

The Maine Department of Transportation is scheduled to pave Stevens Avenue from Clinton Street to Woodford Street starting Monday, 8/26/24 at 7:00 AM. On Monday and Tuesday, 8/26-27 there will be No Parking within the entire project area and there will be one-way alternating traffic along Stevens Avenue within the project limits. 

In addition, on Monday, 8/26 from 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM the Stevens/Woodford intersection will be closed to through traffic. Woodford Street will be closed at Brighton Avenue and detoured to Stevens Avenue from 9AM-12PM and Woodford Street will be closed from Highland Street and detoured to Prospect Street from 12PM-3PM. 

Motorists should use alternate routes and should expect delays.

The MaineDOT project manager is Matthew Gallagher

Paving Projects