City of Portland Alerts

City of Portland Emergency Alert

3/24/2024 - 2:18 PM

City Opens Emergency Warming Center for Residents Without Power

The City of Portland is opening a temporary warming center for residents who are without power and need a warm place to visit, charge electronics, or sleep overnight. The warming center will be located at the East End Community School at 195 North Street and will be open from 5:00 PM Sunday, March 24 until 7:00 AM Monday, March 25.

People without transportation are encouraged to use Greater Portland Metro to travel to the warming center. The last bus that arrives at East End Community School is at 6:05 PM. Any elderly or disabled residents who would like to use the center, but cannot get there on their own should call RTP at 207-774-2666 (available through 9:00 PM). No fares will be charged for anyone traveling to the warming center. The City would like to remind residents to please check on any neighbors who may be elderly or physically challenged to ensure they are safe and warm if they do not have power. 

Anyone planning to stay overnight should make sure they have any necessary clothing, medications, toiletries, and a sleeping bag and pillow with them. Unfortunately, pets cannot be accommodated. 

According to Central Maine Power, there are roughly 15,400 customers in Portland without power. 

Safety Tips

  • If you are using a generator, please remember to follow proper generator usage.

  • If you observe a downed power line, report it to CMP. Citizens are reminded to never touch a downed power line or a tree in contact with a downed line. Motorists should slow down or change lanes when approaching utility crews working on roadways.
  • Other related tree damage from trees in the public way should be reported to City Forestry crews via our 311 tool, SeeClickFix. Residents can download the SeeClickFix mobile app or visit Residents are urged to provide as much detail as possible with pictures so crews know how to respond to each hazard.

  • Regional emergency shelters have opened in several Maine towns and counties. Please visit MEMA’s website to find out if emergency shelters open. You may also dial 2-1-1. 
  • Check that carbon monoxide and smoke detectors are properly installed and replace the old batteries with new ones.

  • Do not use your cooking stove or oven to heat your house.
  • Owners and managers responsible for commercial properties equipped with sprinkler and standpipe systems should clear the fire department connections to these systems.