Annapolis and Anne Arundel County Alerts

Sign Up below to receive alerts from Annapolis and Anne Arundel County - a FREE service for our residents.

You MUST click "Select Location to receive alerts" in order to continue.  If your address cannot be found, type in the City name and move the icon to the correct closest location.  It does not have to be perfect.

Make sure to respond to the text or email to confirm your subscription, otherwise your profile will not be active.

Message and data rates may apply. Message frequency varies. Text HELP to 38276 for help. Text STOP to 38276 to cancel. Our terms and conditions and privacy policy.

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Mobile and Voice Alerts

Text Message & Data rates may apply.
*Any phone number added to this field will only receive text messages

Voice Alerts

Current Location

You must click "Select location to receive alerts" to continue.

Type in your address in the box below and select from the drop down as the list populates to choose the correct one. Cut and paste may not work. If the selector does not find your address, try typing in your city name or zip code. A location must be selected in order to continue.

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Alerts I Want To Receive

Notification Groups

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Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Annapolis Alerts & Notifications</span>Annapolis Alerts & Notifications
Alert Annapolis Emergency Notifications - Select to receive emergency alerts from the City of Annapolis.
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Annapolis Special Event Notifications</span>Annapolis Special Event Notifications
Annapolis Boat Shows (Powerboat, Sailboat, & Spring Sailboat) - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Annapolis Pride Parade and Festival - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Juneteenth Parade and Festival - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Kunta Kinte Heritage Festival - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Military Bowl Parade and Events - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Naval Academy Commissioning Week Events - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
St. Patrick's Day Parade and Events - Select to receive event specific updates and alerts.
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Anne Arundel Alerts & Notifications</span>Anne Arundel Alerts & Notifications
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Aging and Disabilities</span>Aging and Disabilities
AACo DOAD - Subscribe to receive news and notifications from the Anne Arundel County Department of Aging and Disability Services regarding changes schedule changes related to inclement weather and other emergencies.
Senior Nutrition Program - Group for participants of the Department of Aging and Disabilities Senior Nutrition Program, including Tuesday and Thursday food distribution, along with Fresh Food Friday.
Alert Anne Arundel - Receive any emergency notifications impacting Anne Arundel County.
County Executive's Office News & Events - This group will receive emails and text notifications about upcoming meetings and other news that the County Executive's Office believes to be of importance to the general public
Emergency Management
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Health</span>Health
COVID-19 Updates - This group is for Department of Health updates issued to the public regarding COVID-19.
Public Health Alerts - A listing of people requesting notification for health alerts through Anne Arundel County Department of Health
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Police</span>Police
AACo PD Recruitment Updates - Receive updates about Anne Arundel County Police career opportunities and recruitment events.
AACo Police 911 Recruitment 2025 - Receive updates for 911 recruitment opportunities.
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Public Works</span>Public Works
AACoDPW-General - AACo DPW - General Notification for DPW notices and emergency alerts.
Collapse <span class="notificationGroupsName">Recreation and Parks</span>Recreation and Parks
AACoRP-Cancellations - Cancellation of Anne Arundel County Dept of Rec & Parks facilities, programs, parks, child care, athletics, and aquatics.
AACoRP-Child Care - Notifications & cancellations regarding all Recreation and Parks Child Care programs (CEC, SACC, MSTG, Pre-K).
AACoRP-Notifications - Notices pertaining to general information for the Department of Recreation and Parks (such as meeting notices, events, construction updates, etc.).
AACoRP-Recreation Programs & Aquatics - Notifications & cancellations for the Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks recreation programs & aquatics.
AACoRP-Sports & Athletic Facilities - Notifications & cancellations regarding Anne Arundel County Department of Recreation and Parks sports & athletic facilities.
Deer Management Program Alerts - Sign up to receive the latest deer management program updates.

Weather Alerts

For those weather alerts selected below, receive advanced notification of weather events with targeted alerts to your email and/or sms-enabled phone if your location is included in the designated area.

Weather Voice Calls

For those weather alerts selected below, receive advanced notification of severe weather warnings with targeted alerts to your home and/or cell phone number if your location is included in the designated area.

Terms of Use
